Friday, February 27, 2009

Its been a while...

Hey Everyone! Sorry that it has taken me so long to write! Lets see, for things that are new here. I went to the Lagoon a few days ago. It is an outdoor swimming pool that is very nice! There are trees all around and it is located next to a river. There was a bridge that we had to walk over to get to the Lagoon and there were TONS of turtles hanging out underneath it! My friend and I counted 15 of them! They were just floating on the top of the water, with their heads sticking out. It was very cute!!
Tomorrow I am taking part in a 'swimming carnival', which is the same thing as a swim meet here. We are playing against the other residence halls at the university. Last week we had a night called Op-Shop Formal. Everyone dressed in terrible looking clothes and we just hung out and partied. It was fun to see what everyone had to wear.
Here are some random things that I have noticed:
1. For breakfast we have fish sticks and spaghetti like pasta that looks like it comes out of a can.
2. Its illegal to not wear your helmet when you ride your bike.
3. The seats in the classrooms don't have that much space in front of you, which makes it hard if you are sitting on the inside of a row to get out!
4. cop shop is the police station
5. They have fox 8 instead of fox 9 for a tv channel.
6. Rice bubbles = rice crispies
Take care you guys. Thanks for visiting!! :)


  1. I love hearing about the things that are so different from here!

  2. Thanks! That is why I try to put them in here!! :) Glad that you are enjoying it! :)
